Hi There!
I am an LSST-DA Catalyst Prize Postdoctoral Fellow and
am currently hosting my fellowship at the University of Washington Astronomy Department
& the DiRAC Institute. My work focuses on leveraging large astronomical
surveys and the latest advances in machine learning to derive new insights into the formation and evolution of galaxies, cosmology, and Active
Galactic Nuclei.
New Result: We used a sample of $\sim 3$ million Hyper Suprime-Cam galaxies to demonstrate
with $>5\sigma$ confidence that galaxies in denser environments are
upto $\sim 25\%$ larger than their counterparts with similar mass and morphology in less dense regions of the universe. This comprehensive study is
an important step in resolving decades of contradictory results on this topic. It also sheds new light on how the
structure of galaxies is connected with their dark matter halos; as well as their merger history.
Press Mentions: The above work was featured in space.com,
phys.org, and other news outlets!
You can find more details about my research at this link. You can
reach me at
aritrag (at) uw.edu
and aritraghsh09 (at)